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Shay, 28 y.o.
Cornwall, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2013
I'm PLOY :) And u ?
inactive user
Haha thank you so much ^^ I was extremely busy and tired of university works as well :( it's almost final examinations week T.T I wanna cry~ LOL
I always log in here everyday but... I prefer to talk in LINE or Kakaotalk more lately :P *addicted* LOLLLLLLLLL
FIGHTING~ I know you can do it ^3^ make sure to get enough rest too, alright? >.< *hugs*
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2013
Hiii :) I'm OK how about U
inactive user
Hahaha it's okay :) I'm busy about university works and presentations too :P LOL I wanna die~~
inactive user
Yeah ^^ hahaha :) thank you~ >.<~♡♡
YEAH, it's really bad =_= it's like a competition in studies =_=" when someone bad at studies, those people don't wanna get along with him/her immediately =.=
I'm studying at Bangkok University~♡
inactive user
Haha I see~ I wanna go to Illinois and meet my boyfriend there someday, hopefully ^-^♡ >.<~
Oh my.. I look so old again =w= LOLLLLLLLLLLLL it's quite boring and annoying for me.. the socials are bad =w=.. since it's an open university LOL
inactive user
Maybe? hahaha because I've never been travel abroad before~ Canada is one of my favorite countries though, so I wanna go there someday :p but after America... it's my #1 favorite country :p Good to hear that ^^ make sure to get enough sleep! and yes, I'm third-year university student xD
inactive user
Oh god... take me there! I want cold weather!! here it's extremely hot as a hell!! T^T~ I wanna die LOLLLLLLLLLL
Yeah~ I think it has.. I heard from my grandparents >.< thank you so much! hopefully you will get better soon ^-^ I'm worried about you~ >3<♡
inactive user
I'm doing really well~ happy everyday *O* LOL how about you?
Nice to meet you too!! ^-^
inactive user
Hi hi~ welcome to Interpals ka :)
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