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Sara/Reta, 30 y.o.
Kuta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 104.
inactive user
muda from Ghana nice to meet u here
inactive user
Kok pindah ke pulau dewata yo dik Reta? Mmmm....dik Reta bisa bahasa Belanda! Panglima diajari doooong! hehe Apa kabar di kuta? Dik Reta pasti suweneng buanget di Bali ya.............
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2014
Oh really! That's cool! I want to visit Indonesia sometime. It's such a beautyfull country. And alot of my Islamic brothers and sisters :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2014
hahah No I don't
inactive user
Oh, i think you going jakarta to work ^^v
inactive user
are you with your family in Jakarta?
So far from north sumatra going to Jakarta o.O
inactive user
no, jogja very safe, because i'm a superman, lol.. justkiding :D
i'm glad hear that.. btw, have nice a day ^^

are you both working with study?
inactive user
you're welcome and thank you^^
Jakarta gimana sekarang non pasca MK, aman kan? :)
inactive user
hola, greetings from Yogyakarta! :)
inactive user
Makasih ya dik Reta! Birthdayparty panglima di Mekdi! Reta diundang yaaa! Kita makan hamburger sepuluh dan minum cola 4 liter! hehe

Euronya kuat ekonominya lemah Reta!
Naik omprengan ke kantor bareng wanita cantik cantik itu impian setiap panglima! ( tapi belum pernah jadi kenyataan! ) Wuhahaha

Kemarin Reta pasti jadi juara ya! Juara panjat pinang, juara balap karung dan juara makan krupuk! benar kan? hahaha

Salam untuk ibu yaaaa dik Reta :0)
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