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Nugrahenny, 35 y.o.
Surakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2014
okay :) Putri're so carefully.thank you :))
Have you added me on Whatsapp? sorry,I've just play this apps.haha but I can't see you on my contact list yet. :p
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2014
Wow, tea plantation. Cool XD.
When you told me that Bandung has a lo if foods feast make me wanna go there too much ; P because one of my passion is eating and eating. Hahaha
Actually, I would like to go different places from other foreigners because maybe I'll get new experience and somethings 're surpeising. (One of my Indonesian friend recommended me to Irian; P... But I think that island is too far.
My hometon is Bangkok but now I'm living in Phitsnulok (Part of North region) for study in university. If you come to Thai, you can travel with me both Bangkok and Phitsanulok. Hehe
For foreigners, I think Thai is difficult because in one word consist of alphabets + Vowel+ tone mark such as ช้าง (ช, ง = Alphabets , า = Vowel , -้ = Tone mark)
But how to make sentence in Thai is similar with Bahasa Indonesia. Don't be afraid you can learn it :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2014
Wow,Thank you for your kindness. I would like to travel with Indonesian friend and share our experience too much. It'll be fun and cool !!
Your city is located between Jakarta and Surabaya,isn't?
Are there interesting places in Surakarta?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2014
It's my pleasure :)
Really? I'll wait you to go Thailand. Yeah, I would like to go Bali and other places such as Bodobudur, Bandung and Sulawesi.
haha I have a plan to go a lots if I have more times. Maybe I'll go to Indonesia next ending semester. :)
If you have any places to recommend me,Let's tell me ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2014
Sawasdee Putri :) Yin dee tee dai roo jak (it means Senang berjumpa dengan anda)
Yeah,I'm Liverpool fc or The Kop.haha :) I'm glad to know that you're Liverpool fc also. It's cool if you and I can exchange each our language because I really like Bahasa Indonesia and would like to travel Indonesia in someday :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2014
Hello :-) Welcome to the site :-)

I hope you find all that you are looking for :-) there are some very nice people here :-)


There is a rhythm within all life
A movement we can sometimes see
Our souls feel the subtle shifts
Each day meant to be lived as a lifetime

To ride life's rhythms takes courage
Eternity's to long for sadness and anger
Life's to short for frowns and regrets
Hold onto the importance of the heart

Within life's rhythms a strength awaits
Fragile grass survives the hurricane
Losing nothing it bends with the force
Greeting the sun with the knowledge of hope
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