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Sandra, 35 y.o.
Vatsla, Estonia [Current City]

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Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
hallo ^^
inactive user
Long time no see.
inactive user
thank you
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2016
Nice meet you! ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2016
Playing chess with my son XD
YoU? :O ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2016
Heyyy whachu doin' ^___^?
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2016
Hey sup beautiful lady right here.
I'm just an educated alien from far east.
Thanks for your comment.
Lots hug from where I'm floating as well.

All of human on the earth can be friends if we were educated in the same place. That's what I just really hope and want people to be like just ONE.

inactive user
Ok then, so I'll be your clown ninja, and then I will create the McNinja.
inactive user
Choose: clown or ninja? :D
inactive user
You are great with art! :) I will watch out for your works! :D

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