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Giacomo, 37 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 45.
inactive user
Great, you've got one point. :)
I'm planning to Italy in April. I've heard that there are lots of swindlers or robbers something like that. What should I do when they will come to attack me? For example, a man laces up my shoestrings and begs some moneys. Can I kick him?
inactive user
Umm... I asked you about the first king of Chakri dynasty.
What a shame I have never seen Anna and the king. :/
inactive user
Well, I'll test you. Umm...Do you the name of the first king of Thailand?
I'm working about take care of your teeth.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2014
thanx for visiting my profile :)
nice to meet you
inactive user
Oh! I'd visited your profile. Really? haha maybe i forgot. So nice to meet you. You know more about Thailland 's history. Great!!
inactive user
I`m not visited your profile hahaha
you wrong kk
inactive user
have you been go to tomorrowland?
inactive user
in internet.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2014
Hi! thank you for ur massage. yep in Karaoke in Thailand is a popular activity here. because most ppl. in Thailand can sing with beautiful voice. haha.. nice to meet you here Giacomo. I know about Italy. it is a nice place :) bty. what do you do ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2010
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