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Lili, 40 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2010
How are you?
I like your pictures and your profile.
I am Hidayat from Afghanistan.
I want to make friendship with you.
Will you be my friend?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2010

I am currently learning to speak French, it is going very slowly! Would be nice to speak with some French people. I would love to help you with your English too.

Hope you are well :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2010
Salut Lunabelle!! Thank you for writing back to me! I am new to this so I don't understand what Snail Mail is?? I saw that you are a nurse!! That is great! You must love your job! Yes, I have been travelling to different countries and love learning about different cultures. Have you travelled before? Well... Je parle un peu Francais! But it is 7am so my French ( or English ) is not good at this time! Haha!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2010
Bonjour!! I am 26 and English and also engaged. I am very new to this! How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2008
heay.. I´m not really from the USA, but maybe you´re also interested into getting a bit to know about austria!? ; )
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