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Marlane, 68 y.o.
Hobart, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2022
We watch Aussie gold hunters on TV. It is my favorite show. Also Opal miners show. Tough life mining under such harsh conditions. Your country has it all. All the minerals. We get used to the cold. You probably adapt to the heat also.
inactive user
I doubt you could teach me perfect English, Marlane. It wouldn't be understood here in Texas, lol.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2018
You live in Tasmania? Wow. Do you have winter there? Does it get cold? It sure gets cold here in Calgary. One day last year I went to work in the oilsands it was minus 51C with the wind chill. We had a 14 day stretch of minus 30 here at Christmas.I work at the bitumen mines. We mine oil here. It is mixed with sand.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2016
Hi ladyOZ53. I would like to become your penpal friend. Let me know if you do not mind.
inactive user
Hi. I am hafshah . I am from malaysia.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2012
You bet it's someone's home. It's mine; I'm sitting in that top room - me and the cat - writing, right now. (Well, me, that is; the cat don't write much.) I'd prefer, marginally, a tree-house; but I don't have a big enough tree. So I built this instead.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2012 probably know more about Ireland than I do, now. I never went anywhere much, not in Ireland or the UK, that is. Um, well, I suppose I did; but it was always on some business or other; not with a traveller's eyes.
'Our old ones...' that's an Irish phrase all right.
Well, there's worse things than bread and jam. In a moment of madness I bought 'Big Al' frozen beefburgers from the village shop...yuk. However, waste not, want not...they'd do for the cats. Cats didn't agree. They took cautious sniffs and stalked away, tails in 'do you think we're stupid?' configuration.
Black cherry jam is best, in my own opinion.
Take care.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2012
That's a journey...tell me where you went in, and what you thought of, Ireland. (I love it, but I'm curious to know how other people see it.)
I'm pretty good, thanks. Given the years that are in it. It's good to hear from you.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2010
The Dingle peninsula is next-but-one west of where I live; about 30 miles as the crow flies, but half way around the world by road.
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2010
Jeevan ki chanchal sarita mein ,
fainki maine man ki jaali
Fans gayi manohar bhavon ki.
Machhaliyan sughar bholi,bhali.
( In the river of life I have put my heart as net)
(In which many emotions came like fish)
I am not sure you like it.
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