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Juse, 31 y.o.
Pieksämäki, Finland [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 555.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2012
ok nice to hear that)

I thought you joked when said your english is sux)
but not)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2012
"And the people are divided into two groups, they either love me or hate. Make you choise :D"

sorry dude, IMHO construction EITHER...OR.. is for sentances like (BOTH boys and girls like to sing // EITHER boys OR girls like to sing)

:DD so if you care, change it)
inactive user
:D Niinpäs kait.. mulla ei kyllä itellä ihan hirveesti kiinnosta mut et mun pikkusisko varmaan olis innokas kokeileen :D se on aikasta hyvä piirtään ja maalaileen ja silleen :)
inactive user
No mie uskon sen että varmasti vituttaa :D se on yks syy miksi mie en yritä xD
inactive user
:D Juu, mut tosi siisti on ^^ Mulla menis hermo ja itku tulis jos edes yrittäisin tehä tollasta... :D
inactive user
kietoksii palaajo lol
inactive user
thanks for stopping by:)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Heeey yaaa :D
i'm Eunbi !
how are you?
inactive user
Hi...nice to meet you...what's up?)
inactive user
those r shorts lol) n ur comment was pretty ridiculous anyway
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