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Gemricketts, 32 y.o.
Birmingham, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 29.
inactive user
Hey, how have you been up to?
inactive user
hi :)how areyou ?
inactive user
inactive user
from gavin?
well i basically likes everything he sings.

i also like kings of leon, miley <33, jb, demi lovato, coldplay is bloody amazing && kanye west.
i love kanye's song with estelle american boy
i'm like addicted to it <33
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2009
No problem :) I am good thank-you, how are you? Awh thank-you, your music bit is also pretty cool :) I'm going to see quite a few of them at v fest this year. i can't wait! :)
inactive user
yeah <33
and in love with a girl too.
have you heard is new album?
i really like it.

my day was hecka fun <33
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2009
Hi! :) It's nice to know that you like snail mailing too! I think that getting "real letters" is much more fun than having just an email.
I'm wondering if you and me could start snail mailing? :3
If you want me to tell more about myself before that, please just ask me. :) And of course you can tell me more about yourself! Actually i'd like know more about you. x3
inactive user
Well as a young child, I understood discipline to be a bad word. Changing my perspective has been a challenge. I was brought up in rough home, but I was18 years old and facing crisis before I sought out to live a better life. I began to read about the disciplines of prayer, worship of some god, study of the bible, and meditation for the mind. Those sounded OK. When I read that fasting, solitude, simplicity, submission, and confession were supposed to bring me joy, I thought, are you kidding me? But over time life has patiently taught me that all these practices bring me closer to myself and strengthen my spirit. They help me to be attuned to Life’s voice and to know Life’s will for me. They help me to drown out the world’s noise so I can hear Life’s “still small voice”. And yes, they have brought me joy as I seek to travel alone Life’s path. I have learned that in love, Life touches us and strengthens us so that we may do Life’s work.Now, when I am tempted to be lazy about practicing the disciplines or when I realize that I have been neglecting Life, I ask myself, “Why?”
inactive user
Hey, I really can't talk on this site but if you wish to write letters to each other, I would really love to talk to you more.

3 cardinal lane
Brewster, NY, 10509
Myke Loscalzo

Like I said, I would love to talk to you or if you want give me your adress and I will send you a letter if you wish. ...

Well anyways , how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2009
I'm going to bed now,maybe we'll write tomorrow
till then,bye:)
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