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Fritz, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 183.
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
i think its unwise to hate people for their government tho :D
anyway,is dyesebel popular there? xD
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
I didnt like it cuz my american friend said the filipino boy at her school always teased cute girls xDD dislike a country for this reason is stupid lol
and i bet many patriotic chinese hate PH now,but well im not a politics fan xD
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
yeah!!! thats a filipino tv show xD i love it so much!! i didnt really like the philipines years ago,but the tv show changed my opinion :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2012
I also want Orochi 3!! D: I can't find a cheap one though (poor right now) but I need it!! XD

I'm okay ;D Yep I've been there last year~ this yeas not going, because of finances.
How are you? :3
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2012
thanks for visiting^^~
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2012
Hello, musta? :)
So read you need help with Adobe. I can help you .. HAHA XD
And of course the anime/gaming part XD
Right now I'm in love with DW7 <3
inactive user
Haha she's so funny ! ;P
Yes ! I'm so happy to live here ^~^ Well, aside from them I love DBSK,Super Junior, 2ne1 and I think that's all...But My 2 favorites are the groups which I care and love the most :D
What about you ?
inactive user
OH I HOPE I WILL GET ONE TOO ! *.* Yaa, I love the packaging, so great and nobody did this before ^^
Haha,so true ! Taengoo's laugh is sooo funny, sometimes you know, it just make me feel happy :P

YEEEEESSSS. I was at the SM TOWN in Paris. Yes I was there. Yes that was completely AWESOME. OMG I just can't wait for the KPOP Music Bank in PARIS in February !!! :D
inactive user
Yeaaah I love Taengoo since their debut, she was so cute and her voice is so powerful <3 But Of course, we love them all ! I think a lot of Sones are hiding, haha let's find them ! ;))
Oh, I wanted to buy THE BOYS today, but I realize that I didn't have enough money xD I hope I will have more soon ! Oh really, is there a poster included or bought it separately ? ^0^/
inactive user
WOW you're a SONE too ? Haha soo cool ;D My favorites are Tiffany and Taeyeon :)) What about you ? Lol, really ? Am I the only one ? :O Well, I found you too then ^^ My life a monotonous life can be xD...boring sometimes, that's why I have SNSD & KPOP lol
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