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Ferdinand, 40 y.o.
Leuven, Belgium [Current City]

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Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2018
Een beetje laat, maar toch... hoi!!!
inactive user
Hey, sorry voor late reactie. Ik koop ze meestal nieuw, op muziek festivals of online ja. Cheers
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2016
Hoi en dankie vir die boodskap :D
inactive user
Dank u, yeh.. my music is pretty dear to me. Nice profile too btw, and ties to Belgium, interesting.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2016
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. If you want to learn the "Flemish" dialect then I advise you to learn the dialect that you would take up the flemish of the province that you are trying to visit.
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