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Susan, 67 y.o.
Montgomery City, United States [Current City & Hometown]


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Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2022
You are a busy woman owning and working a farm; yet a good busy :~)
inactive user
Sure, I would love to chat with you.
inactive user
i do not know a nurse with goats sounds like trouble to me since goats are stubborn and nurses like cooperation
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2019
Hi Susan, I am also a 62 year old woman and work in nursing. I live in a small town but I have my younger 51 year old brother living with me, my 18 year old son and my 29 year old niece (from another sister) just recently moved in. So it's kind of a farm atmosphere, lol. My brother has been with me for almost six years. He has a bad heart and can no longer work. My son graduates this year. I do have a 38 year old daughter who lives in another state, but she calls almost daily. My niece is just staying for a few months while she finsihes her dental assistant training and gets back on her feet after a rough divorce. She only has a couple of weeks left of school, but I've encouraged her to stay for a few months past that so she can build up a little nest egg so she's got a little something to fall back on if need be in the future. I forgot the dog. We have a dog, Kora, who lives with us and I've had her about five years. She's a sweetie. She thinks she's a lapdog but she's not, lol.
My little sister has always liked to raise chickens. She and her kids have enjoyed that over the years. They name them. Do you name your chickens?
I admire that you have a garden. I keep trying but am not super successful at it.
Well, hope to hear from you and more about your life. (Just looking at your picture again and Kora looks a lot like your dog in her face.)
inactive user
you need goats lol
inactive user
Hello, nice to meet you here
I'm so pleased to visit by your profile
Greetings from Uganda
I look forward to hear from you
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2017
Hello Susan and welcome :-)
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