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Zina92, 32 y.o.
Minsk, Belarus [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice



Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
inactive user
Спасибо ^^
inactive user
NO, we´ll be stupid together <3 otherwise what are we gonna tell the kids about
inactive user
Haha are you kidding me, not that fast, we are too young!! We havent been stupid enough yet :)
inactive user
Haha okayy, ive never seen a half blue half brown eye before. You need to be my wife, i want to pass those eyes on :P
inactive user
So theyre not photoshopped in your pictures?
inactive user
So are your eyes blue or brown?:P
inactive user
did u get my card :)?
inactive user
Hey, I noticed you had viewed my profile so I thought I'd say hi :) I'm Josh.
inactive user
Your welcome :D
and thanks
inactive user
leave me ur adress and i leave ur mines :)
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