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Scander, 37 y.o.


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2010
watch ericsurf6 on youtube he has lots of videos of where he lives in japan.hope it helps,Japan is awesome,and my name's Chris
inactive user
im sorry for late reply.
not at all... i started the study of French recently

can you speak japanese a little?
inactive user
yea yea i understand lol but it's really fun anyway ~ :)
inactive user
Eh you watch gintama too ? lol
inactive user
i love Gintoki <3 lol
inactive user
huh you stole my chocolate ? xD
inactive user
yeah i love Gintama ~ and i'm not funny but crazy :3 lol
inactive user
Scander tu l'as ?!!!!
inactive user
M'en tape de Hideo Kojima, y aura tellement de fanboys et de no-life qu'il sera même pas possible de l'entendre péter.
Puis son dernier jeu est complètement merdique... tu m'aurais dit Yu Suzuki (Shenmue) j'aurais pris l'avion :p
inactive user
Wow! Vous allez vous re-manger de la Japan Expo? :o
Ny tu pourras m'acheter des trucs de là-bas? Moi j'ai des problèmes d'argent en ce moment... :/
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