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Giovana, 28 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]
SΓ£o Paulo, Brazil [Hometown]

Looking for



Graduate degree
Molecular Biophysics


PhD student

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 1 year ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28
I supposed so :))
Reply - Conversation - May 2
Rest assured, you will do just that as your heart and mind is set on making a very meaningful difference. I watched my dad die of cancer when he was only 52. The older I get, the more I realize how young that was. It was a very cruel death. I am so grateful that anybody cares to do anything positive like you are. You will go very far.
Unfortunately, where I live there are very high cancer rates and a lot of pollution and chemicals. I know that doesn't help.
Congratulations on getting your internship. I have been to Houston and it is HUGE. Actually, the entire state of Texas is quite large. I remember it took almost all day to drive through it once. I wish you the best in your internship and I hope you enjoy a few things in Texas along the way.
Reply - Conversation - May 1
Hi Giovana,
I truly respect you for the work that you are doing. Cancer has taken so much from a lot of people, including my own family. It is wonderful to have brilliant minds who care and are willing to work toward bringing hope.
Best of luck to you!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2023
Looking for food recipes from around the world. Send me a message with your local favorite one. I want to cook it and start a photo album with the final results. πŸ˜‹πŸ½
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2022
Enjoying my weekend with a baloon bouquet πŸ₯³πŸ˜†
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2022
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2021
you have nice eyebrows.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2020
hello friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal friendship by exchanges email and snails hope to hear from u soon
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2020
Mentira! Vc e todo mundo adoram.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2019
Bahhh! I never got into the battle royale craze honestly. Respawn needs to put out Titanfall 3 instead of Apex imo xD.

I have most of the games you mentioned but don't really play them anymore. I'm more of a gears and halo dude for multiplayer. Also, spooky games are where it's at! Espeically in VR!! Haha

I haven't been on here in a long time so apologies for that!
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