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Termaineb, 35 y.o.
Macon, United States [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
inactive user
Did it get much attention?
inactive user
Thank you so much for good words about me :) WISH YOU all the best !!! :)
inactive user
Why dont you take it to the next level then?
Maybe start with online manga or smth:)
inactive user
yes hehe
inactive user
I've just been to few places in Europe because of my study abroad.
inactive user
Well, Zuera is a Brazilian word for making jokes and making fun of everything, having a good time etc...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2016
Hello! Nice to meet you too. :)
My favourite is Smith, although I love Tennant as well!
inactive user
Hi! I wouldn't call myself an artist (was learning how to draw for just a few months). But Im on my way there.
I think you should try and fulfil your dream and try to learn how to draw on a pro level(^^)d
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2016
Hahaha there is no signing waiver in Thai restaurant since it is very regular to have spicy foods and the waiter will make sure that they serve the not-so-hot food to foreigners.
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