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Callie, 38 y.o.
Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
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Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2009
Yeah, right :D I believe you! haha.. but you have to prove it ;P

I found a Angels and Demons dvd yesterday, but the quality really sucks. But I'll watch it later when I'm home again :) It's acctually one of the few books I've read :P and it was really exciting, I couldn't stop read!
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2009
Haha, so you blame the boat? :P haha, just kidding ;) I trust you. Wow, you must have strong arm muscles? ;) I liked rowing very much when I was younger, but I found out that sailing works better for me :) sometimes I use the rowing machine at the gym, but it's not the most funny thing I know, just a good way of training :)

yeah, I do :) take a look at "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and "Sex Drive" I think you'll love them :) have you any recommendations?

inactive user
ja, met mij gaat alles prima. Ik studeer aan de UvA in Amsterdam en jij? Ik zie verder dat je leuke foto's hebt, ben je een model?
inactive user
Hoii, hoe gaat ie?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2009
It's about a girls who dies (that's not the funny part :P haha) and than she returns to the earth as a ghost on a special mission, but she doesn't know what it is. Her boyfriend goes to a ghost whisperer because his sister want's him to get over his dead girlfriend. And the ghost whisperer falls in love whith him and there in a very funny fight between her and the "dead" girlfriend :P haha, it's complicated to explain, but you should see it. It's much more funny than I described it :P hope you're into comedies ;)
Wow slooprowing :D indeed, that's a bit wierd for a girl..but I like that :D are you good at it?

Hum, no I guess I'm laying in a bed :)
btw, your photo is awesome :D it looks really professional!

Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2009
Why have you to work, even if it's eastern ?
I had 2 weeks, I spent one in parties, the other will be dedicated to working -_-
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2009
I'm on holidays, I'll continue to have fun =D
You ?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2009
Good and you ? =D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2009
Hi =)
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