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Sarah , 48 y.o.
Oxford, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
hello sarah
how r u?
i want to make friend with u..
i know u think about me,,wow this guy is fast..but im not..your beauty make me fast...i hope u write me back..bye bye
inactive user
Glad to hear you\'ve not been too badly affected :-) Yeah weather here, can\'t complain really other than of it being too hot lol about 33 degres today...phew! I\'m actually planning on relocating to the UK in autumn, swapping sunny Spain for flooded Britain...people keep saying I\'m crazy lol
inactive user
Ur very welcome :-) How\'s it going over in your neck of the woods? Floodings there as well? At least we don\'t suffer that problem here in Spain lol
inactive user
Hiya, just dropping by to say hi :-)
inactive user
Hey Sarah! how are things? how was your weekend? I hope ok.I had a quiet weekend...I just went for a walk in the mountains
inactive user
Hi Sarah!
Thank you for your words friend,it was great to see you in this thing called wall..jiji.Well I´m sure we can share lots of´re,nice pic,you look really elegant!
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