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Nat, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2008
nat howzu ,sorry 4 not replyin u on tym things have been so tough
of late, i was not working so i had no access to the frend from zim came here in cape the day b4 yday n we r leaving together i'm so happy to just have some1 ffrom my hood leaving w me.n/way howz school ,your frenz n u.ur frenz trust u bcoz u may be worth it and me either i think u r trust worthy and i just wonder wat the person behind that mahomed ali pic look lyc
cheers nat let me do some work
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2008
hey Nat howzit ,me either i changed from where i waz working .so hows been lyf and ur frendz ,it reminds me of ma frend back home. r u short tempered or u get crazy in another way ,s 4 me i,m not a short tempered person and wen i freak out it may be somethang big and it'l b 4 a short tym .r u good @ keeping anythang 2 ur heart
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2008
how u doing nat,ryt now i'm a painter but in dec i'll be going back home coz january i'll b at an univesity i'll b stding communication for 3 years then after that i'll b coming there 2 live w my brother in nelson.
by the look of things the little i know bwt u is enough 4 me 2 say u r a more focused person than most including me and a career as a psychologist really suits u,'girl *** on mechanic yeh thats a good job but 4 men not girls ,i'm saying this coz where i'm leaving there's a mechanic who also resides there thats a tough job and if u look @ his hands fingers nails u wont lyc it belive me i wldnt like 2 c ur sweet skin turning 2 anything.
how was ur weekend did u enjoy surfing or uwhere doing something with ur frendz or u where out with your mmm!!! i just hope u enjoyed it
let me go and do some work
good dae
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2008
i'll b waitin 4 your pics coz from the way u just described your self u must b cute and maybe thats the reason why u dont lyc make up coz it maybe unnecessary.
n-way u must be a hard worker u work on a farm & u r also a baby sitter.r u still @ school ?
when i'm home in zim on my spare time @ i play pool or listen to music with my frend but here in south africa mostly i'll b @ work &i work sunday 2 sunday,yesteday i was told to rest the whole sunday so wen i woke up i was lyc daimn wat m i going 2 do the whole day ,i thought of going 2 the beach but i had no 1 2 go with but later on i was called for work,so maybe i'm becoming a workaholic coz @ times i even sleep over.
when u take urself those pictures wear ur ussual clothing esp those mos people r familiar with pliz.
so wat r u planning with your lyf and how far have u gone
cheers natalie
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2008
'ey nat how r u doing? @ least i now know the kinda person 'm communicating with and u know wats left ? ur picture ,as 4 me i'll put it wen i get an off which race do u belong to ,me 'ts definate 'm black and definately i do not mind whether black coloured or white.u know wat u the only person i communicate with on this site and i just feel lyc u enough i dont think i wld need any pal even though i dont c anything bad in having many pals ,ur social lyf seems to be intresting ,y dont u lyc doing girlish things me i thought shopping was something vry1 wld lyc.i wish 2 tellu wat ma social lyf is lyc but i don't know were 2 start so u can just ask wat u need 2 know and i'll tell u everythang u heard,cheers nat i'll catch u
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2008
hi nat! is this ur real name,u seem to be a very nice person,so otha than music wat do u lyc ,i would lyc to know u live somewhere near nelson coz i have a brother the third born in our family of which i'm the 4th and the last who live there of which i'll be coming there laterin lyf.i have to work also bye
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2008
hi howz u,i'm addie from zimbabwe .i'm a 21 yr old guy who lycs outdoor activities ,ma hobbies r listening 2 music and playing football wiyh ma pals,a bit talkative .listen 2 hip hop, r"n b ,'raggae(bob marley).i just watch any movies as long as the person beside me s intrested in it.i'll tell u more bwt me as time goes on.
actually this s ma first time n this pen pal thang but i jus" wish t will get far.
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