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Nader, 29 y.o.
Damascus, Syria [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice


Bachelor's degree
Damascus University Faculty of Dentistry

Relationship status



Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2019
HELLO WORLD! I'm officially back on Interpals! :D well but for better communication and if you REALLY want us to get to know each other You can add me on facebook! just hit me in the messages and I'll text you my profile address aaaand in case if anyone is wondering, YES I am singele...again :')
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2014
hello syria !
how are things out there?
inactive user
inactive user
Hamdullah inta isak fe Syria ?
inactive user
Marhabba keefak?
inactive user
Yes it's so good to see you're back :D
inactive user
Want to hear about you ! Hope everything's fine :D

(still missing you :) )
inactive user
no probs then ! :P
inactive user
oooh so ,be carefull there and keep living in spirit !
inactive user
i don't really bro hehe but i ever found such a terrible picture in Internet , it showed damascus before and after the domestic issue happening in there ._.
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