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Marc, 32 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
Hey sorry I was sleeping :P
I am doing okay..I guess. Jakarta is always hot which I hate. I mean it's 10:45 AM ok, but the weather is already so warm. I just made breakfast.

You go to work tomorrow?
What did you do at home yesterday then?
inactive user
hii ;) . you are welcome.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2014
because i like English.and i like making friends with for foreign friends:)
inactive user
hey,Marc,you have a nice name too.yeah,i'm speak Mandarin
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2014
Hi thanks for your greeting
inactive user
no just like to watch drama and already know many words from them, but only in listening, cant write it in right way so i wanna learn how to write it and read it!

ohh cool u job, so have many free times can travel around!!
im an engineer now hehe
inactive user
no plans loll haha but will have korean class, its the most exciting thing in all week!
wow still have to work even when back home?
whats ur job?
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