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東京熄燈, 29 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 311.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2014
Dear i miss you tooo~ long time no see. Ow if you want i can give you my skype in msg because i just stop kakaotalk too :3 so please answer me x) see yaaa chiang ;)
inactive user
做试卷去了 TAT
inactive user
是我们学校的要求。。。 很恶心。只能3月分春考,只有大专。
inactive user
inactive user
成绩排名后20% 不能高考。
inactive user
嗯。 马上要被除名了。。
inactive user
inactive user
inactive user
WAaaaaaaaaaaaaa i miss you too!!!! >_< so so much~ sorry i could not use my kakaotalk~ waaa T_T how are you chiaki? <3
inactive user
Ohhh long time my best friend~~ (。♥‿♥。)
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