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Brian , 35 y.o.
Buffalo, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2012
Oui, c'est sûr que sans pratique c'est pas facile !
Je ne sais pas trop quoi te recommander pour t'améliorer... Surtout parler avec quelqu'un, ou discuter par messagerie instantanée comme Skype etc. je pense que ça pourra beaucoup t'aider !
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2012
Both sports? A Bills fan too, are we? Oh well, sports wouldn't be as fun without rivalry. I can actually cheer on the Sabres for various reasons when they're not playing us. Canadiens is worse (If Collberg goes over or some other Swedish player plays for them I might cheer on them individually, not so much the team, though). Loving the cheeky move of drafting Malcolm Subban (whose last name translates rather awkwardly into Swedish, by the way)!

I've only ever been outside Europe twice, and just barely, once to Turkey and once to Egypt. I do want to go through all of USA and also visit Canada in the future. I'll have to save up quite a bit of cash though, because it would have to be a while to justify the price to fly over (and because there's practically something in almost every state that I want to see).

Those sound like interesting subjects though. Hoping you'll get the latter course together before deadlines and what have you. Studying in France was/is something I'd like to do as well. But I probably won't. I'll most likely either stay in Sweden or go to the UK for uni.

As for what interests me, there's a vast array of different paths which I'd like to pursue, and I don't even have that good an idea of how the system works (in Sweden, let alone internationally). I suppose the most probably is that I'll end up an underpaid History or English teacher or something along those lines.

It actually is, just not very useful!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2012
Next time you feel like a guinness, just go ahead and lash some black current in there. It changed my world.
Amstel light, not bad. Not bad at all.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2012
A guinness and black current is even better. If you haven't tried it, it's a must. Don't let the pink colour put you off. That fact that it's still guinness makes you look manly, lol.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2012
Haha, 10:30.. I don't think I've ever drunk at 10:30. It's nearly 4 in the afternoon here.
Good :) Really nervous about this game.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2012
Lol, I know, I'm all geared up with a pint of guinness. It's going to be a good'un, I think..haha.
Are you watching it?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2012
Obviously I can, the Red Wings. ;)
I don't think The Bruins have been particularly dirty the last few seasons, just playing physical isn't the same as playing dirty. But I suppose your geographical location serves as an explanation for disliking them. As to why I support them, it was originally because I have the largest connection to Boston out of all North American cities (along with Toronto, maybe), so I started rooting for all New England area teams back in 2003 or 2004 or so (though I initially only really followed the Bruins - and rarely watched even a game of theirs because of the time zones, and thus have "only" really experienced the Stanley Cup win last year... Nowadays I watch all Patriots games, as well as all the Red Sox/Bruins games I can catch + Postseason Celtics games). As for Detroit, I mostly started liking Wings because of all the Swedish players they had (including Franzén, who played in my team, Linköping, before going over). The fact that they're all teams with great history helps as well, especially since Linköping Hockey Club has often been accused of lacking heritage.

And yes, I've talked to two other hockey fans on here, one who was for Buffalo and one who was for Red Wings. I'm sure there are many others though, including my IRL mate who introduced me to this site (though I don't think he follows the NHL).

As for my major, I'm not yet in Uni, and I have no idea what I want to study. I'm probably starting next autumn. And yes, Philosophy is interesting, but not exactly the one subject that provides the widest array of career opportunities. What are you currently studying?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2012
D'accord pour les corrections ! :)
Oui, tes phrases sont très formelles, quelques petites erreurs de syntaxe, mais c'est bien compréhensible tout de même.
Coucou serait plus "hi" et "hello" salut :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2012
Sounds smooth.
Yeah, I was rooting for Ireland to get at least one goal in. I love the Irish, and they have the best fans, but it got too painful to watch, and I ended up turning the tv off when the 4th goal went in.
Unlike rugby, Ireland are just shit at football compared to others.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2012
Something like that. Starts at 7:45pm here.
Golf? Lol, for some reason I think I'd rather watch paint dry.
Did you see Spain and Ireland? Ireland must have absolutely shat themselves. It's like they stood there and watched the ball just roll in.
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