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Julia, 37 y.o.
Saint Petersburg, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 60.
inactive user
Thankyou fot looking at my profile.
inactive user
thank you!
inactive user
Hi thanks for the comment on the picture. Yes that is one of my works.
inactive user
you hate comedy than you write you love mister bean ? :)))
inactive user
inactive user
Salam Tofiy)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2012
Hi hiiii :))))))) how are you?:)
inactive user
Hi girl!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2011
Hello there,
How are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2011
Hello, Hope fine. you wrote in your wall that, you hate comedy but like Mr. Bean and Simpsons! is that's TV show not comedy base? actually comedy is part of life. it can easily change our mood and gives a lot of fun. what you feel?
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