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Lucas Piña, 33 y.o.
Niterói, Brazil [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2011
NOthinnn!!! woahh, haven't heard from you in FOREVERRR!! How are you and how is everything?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2011
inactive user
Nein, du musst dich nicht entschuldigen. Ich muss noch 2 Jahre in die Hoch Schule gehen, und dann etwa 5 Jahren studieren.
Journalistic studiert mann - 5 Jahren
Medizin - 7 Jahren
Jura - 5 Jahren + 3 Jahren Praktikum = 8 Jahren
inactive user
Yes. It means this. Ich will sport jurnalistic studieren.
inactive user
Jetzt lerne ich noch in der Schule, dann gehe ich ins Studium.
Yes german is a it difficult, but there are harder languages for example Japanesse ;)
inactive user
Hallo ;) Danke mir geht's gut.
This is super that ypu;re learning German ;p
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2010
Where are you on vacation?! It is absolutely SO cold here, it is ridiculous. It isn't even like safe temperatures for humans to be outside I don't think! lol.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2010
HIIII!!!! How are youuu?! I have not been on interpals!! It's snowing here right now...ugh. We have had so much snow this winter it is crazyyy!! How is it down there?! Well This message is short sorry, I have to go to class ALLLL day, until 6pm. AHH!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2009
Aerial Acrobatics is cool! It is scary! I saw a circus not too long ago, in June I think. Are you in like Circus college?! lol. Well my opinion about the Swine is that everyone is over-reacting! It is just another strain of the flu that they now have a cure for. So why stress, people die from the normal flue every year, why is this new strain any different. you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2009
A circus classs?!!??!?!?! LOLOLOL and it is still stopped because of the Swine?~?~? LOL That's crazy, there was actually a case at my University but it didn't close my school!
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