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Leticia, 28 y.o.
São Paulo, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 227.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2015
Oi, tudo bem, Lets?
O prazer é todo meu ><
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2015
Hello I hope that we are fried! I live in south korea too
inactive user

G.O.D. brings me back so many memories :)

I'm doing well! Been just busy juggling through life.

What is up with you in Sao Paulo? How is everything there in Brazil???

Brazil is one of my favorite Country! <3
inactive user
Wow! I didn't even see this message!!!! I apologize deeply!!!

I have not been the best at replying :((((

Hi Leticia, I am Jung! Such a pleasure in meeting you.

Yes! It was G.O.D and it used to be one of my favorite korean song growing up... The feeelsssss!

How are you doing?
inactive user
I'm not leave in Ulsan now beacuse my university is so far! But i have many friends in Ulsan university! So when i go there, we can meet! I will be fun!!
inactive user
Hi, my name is minji! I'm really happy because i read that you come ulsan! If i can, i want to meet you :) and please ask me anything about Korean! I wanna be your help!!
inactive user
Wow if we can be good friends and i know when you come, i will give you wellcome prassent to you!
inactive user
Thank you! I hope you can study hard and you will be good at korean.^^
inactive user
'저는 레치시아에요. 저는 브라질 사람이에요. 저는 대학생이에요. 지금 한국어 공부해요' is right. You made a little mistakes. good! When did you start learning korean?(if i made mistakes, I'm sorry)
inactive user
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