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Quentin, 36 y.o.
Mâcon, France [Current City]
Montélimar, France [Hometown]


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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2019
ah ha find u lol
inactive user
inactive user
Hello, I'd like to talk to you if you want? Maybe we'll meet here? >>> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 3636881
inactive user
And I also wished that routsuke could ended up with hina instead of rui. I like him with Hina. I don't like rui T_T it is one of the major reason why I stopped reading it. And they also cut down hina's hair. I miss her long hair xD
inactive user
I would not really say that though that these texts were written by a drunk or whatsoever. :D Obviously, you'd get firedback by them or something. They would not take these words brightly.. And we should not hurt someone's sentiments as well. °^° I don't think I'll able to find my answers at all before the judgement day or until and unless I die. +_+ Well, for me God is with us and I don't know about other things..

BTW you have said you have your own theories about god and who we are or what we are alive for? Why are alive? Etc
Would mind to tell me that?

Haha yeah I had read it xD but I don't read it anymore. I stopped reading it cause they post new chapter very slowly or late. 😳😌
inactive user
But for me, God is there. It is just people who's preaching about other 'god'. And yeah about those questions.. They are still unsolved mystery.. So I will just keep thinking about those questions but won't able to find answer. I hoped, if God could answers us back. It'd be a little better or so better life. Sometimes, it is feel like we are just nothing or alive cause in the end we will die or will face judgment day. It is weird, we will get punished for not following those rules which had written on those religious books, what if those words are not God's words why do believe that it is really Jesus's words or Muhammad's words or Moses words..? Even if it was said by them, what's the proof that people didn't change the wordings? I want to find answers I really do I want the truth. I don't like following blindly these preachers books at all. I can't fathom the reasons to follow it.

I won't say, I absolutely disagree with them but I do somewhat.

Ohh I thought, it is one of your favourite manga. Hehe sorry xD
inactive user
BTW haha your favourite is domestic na kanojo haha I can't believe it xD
inactive user
Well, we might have a little bit of difference of point of view here. I do believe in God that start with capital 'G' which has written on those religious books. However, I don't believe what has written for him, not at all. I can't able to believe all those things just cause it is a religious book or something. And I agree with you, I actually kind of have the similar thought regarding this, "God Capable of killing his on kin out of greed, jealousy and simply for sport? Also, humans wouldn't die of sickness or old age, because after all, we would be immune to most diseases and such." I mean why would God wants to see such things why is he not stopping cruelty, violence, which is happening in the world? Why isn't he letting us live in peace... God does not want violence and all. We must not born to live in cruelty and inhumane violence... If we won't follow according to the religious books or rules or whatever it is then you are doing sins and will go to **** or God will punish you. Why would God not forgive you.. He's not that strict.. I don't understand. Why isn't he stopping fights..
inactive user
I'm not really sure of that we have same questions or theories or thoughts, but it seems like we do, that's why I wrote on your wall after seeing it on your profile.

I do believe in God, but I wonder sometimes why do I believe in him like what's the proof of his presence I mean, obviously God is there but I wonder it... Why are we alive? Or are we even alive? What's the purpose of going through this **** that ****? Why do we believe in whatever told in religious books, did all things really happened what happened..., why will we have to go through judgement day? Do we really die? Why we need to die? Why all bad things happening around us? Is there Really a Satan? What's this world all about? What we really are?
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