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Hafiz, 35 y.o.
Kuala Selangor, Malaysia [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
Read Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, anddd Oscar Wilde. Mark Twain, too. They're famous and classics for a reason :D and I draw a lot of my inspiration from Wilde in particular. As for light reading, I'd start with Wilde's plays; they're probably a little easier to follow than the others!
inactive user
I really want to watch boyhood. it is very interesting that a small boy bacome a man in the movie also reality.
same director... i didn't know that. thank you for telling me that information.
inactive user
nowadays running man is very famous in other countries.

of coure i watched that movie. it was great. i love tha series.

um... I'm not good at English so maybe my answer would be shorter than yours :D
inactive user
you know Korea actress!

nice to meet you :D
inactive user
I'm just improvising in terms of my speech, haha. Well, numerology is very complex field, it's not only about our leading number. Actually we could present astrology, sounds, alphabets as numbers. They're not only symbolic, just see how many reactions take place in our biological rhythm, these are all numbers as well. Not trying to convince you to practice numerology of course :)
inactive user
Same here, I treat astrology as it was the twin sister of numerology, both give some suggestions on human possibilities, virtues and faults. However it depends on person's energetic level (if it makes sense), people are shaped by biology as well and sometimes their physical or mental level just interferes with esotheric plan, no matter how good or bad the plan was. Daily horoscopes are just another way to steal people's money :)
inactive user
Yes, that makes sense and could improve general outlook on things. Not something to blindly follow, though. It's important not to replace religion with its substitutes, because both are the tools of manipulation :)
inactive user
thanks :D
inactive user
Hello! Sorry for "stabbing" you :) anyway, nice to hear someone was willing to read the description. For making your day - you're welcome. Greetings!
inactive user
Hi. (:
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