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Guilherme Rodrigues, 36 y.o.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 150.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2014
GUI!!!!!!!!! How's it going???? Long time, no speak!!! ;)
We MUST catch up!!
inactive user
my major is about international economics and law and i sincerely want to work the global cosmetic companies here.
inactive user
i'll go back there on Octobor^^
tell me about your stuff. are you still student or work?
inactive user
i 'm crazy? haha what the hell really.
good and you??
i really love my life here, i don't want to leave here but i have to go back to Korea to graduate.
inactive user
haha but i already saw your statut of profile is written that you want only to talk with spanish speakers
no no i'm teasing you
nice to meet you here.
inactive user
desolee de ne pouvoir pas parler espagnole :(

you only find people who can speak spanish?^^
inactive user
vish, aqui desde Sábado só chove, sou de Mogi Guaçu, interior de Sampa e vc ?
inactive user
hehe, muita chuva por aqui ... acho que o feriado na minha cidade vai ser muito chuvoso!!! e por ai ?
inactive user
hey!! Td bom? Acho sempre bacana quando encontro um brasileiro por aqui ... Sou Gabriel , prazer : )
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2011
Hi Guilherme! How are you meu amigo! Suadades! I am still in Portugal, come and visit me!!

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