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Miriam, 33 y.o.
Umeå, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 157.
inactive user
Ahh!!! It's your birthday today!! Why don't I have that written down somewhere?? I wish I had known in advance so I could send you some sort of card....cake....thing....maybe a card shaped like a cake? Or a cake shaped like a card? Something along those lines XD Anyways, this is me, saying Happy Birthday, and hoping that you had a FANTASTIC day, filled with cake and cards :P
inactive user
Ok, so I am sending it TOMMORROW. Or....maybe Monday, if things get all wonky tommorow :P But basically, it's going to be sent soon, and it's going to put a BIG texas sized smile on your face :P

I've been good, finally got certified as a pharmacy assistant (whoot!), so i'm looking for a job in that right now (I have a job interview on Tuesday actually...eek!), am looking for a new bigger apartment, and am trying to start my own little bloggy website. And... some days I just lie on my couch and read books and watch terrible movies so I don't go nuts from the stress :P How about you, how are things and all the other things? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2013
Jora, läget är bara bra, kom precis hem ifrån en tripp till Sydafrika med arbetet :D, så du flyttar? vart? hem till le big ol' town?
inactive user
Rawr!! *big hug*!
I was having a really lame day (spent it all day studying pharmacy math, blarh!) and then I got this amazing, wonderful, COLORFUL parcel with an amazing dinosaur on the cover and the sun started to shine again ^____^
YOU.....ARE......AWESOME. Did I tell you that before? *thinks* Probably :P

I can't wait to listen to your mix! The ribbon is beautiful (as is the elephant envelope and the parrot card, where ever did you find them??) and the ginger candy smells intriguing :D I'll be sending you a mix back soon because I just found the greatest cover of a nirvana song, the girl turned it into a ballad of all things :P

Talk soon!
inactive user
Sad Haikus are no good around here! Only happy haikus need apply :P

We should exchange addresses again, because while I think I DO still have one for you....I'm not sure if it's the same one? I think it was for somewhere in Umea? Either way, i'm sending you my new one...unless you think you won't send the mix till after March, because then i'll have a new address ....hmm....I'll send you my current one AND my dads address, since he's not going anywhere :)

Btw, hope you've been good!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2013
Amagawwwwd, det vart inte igår :D Hoppas Umeå behandlar dig väl
inactive user
Hi miriam !!! how are you??
i'm big lover of chocolate too !! :D
inactive user
Ok, so sad music, lol, that IS quite a change from your usual weird filled mixed cds, but I welcome it!!! Yours are going to be filled, just the usual random assortment :P

BTW! Message in your inbox!!
inactive user
Working on your message AND your mix.....on that note, you wouldn't happen to have a facebook would you? I just recently made one, if you do have one, the link to mine is on my page :D
inactive user

I'm guessing even after my long absence you still want to talk to me? *cheers in silence* ^_____^ Your awesome <3 I'm gonna write you the most quirky, interesting and awesome msg ever as soon as I get my next day off (Friday!!!!-convenient no?) :D
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