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AnnešŸ’š, 29 y.o.
ConcepciĆ³n, Chile [Current City]
Santiago, Chile [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice


Graduate degree



Relationship status


Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
Flaites = Mierda
Reggaeton = Mierda
inactive user
Nice to meet you :D
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2018
Shapeshifting Comical pinup *
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2018
ah hm I am trying to learn how to make manga I was I was working on this female character who this comical shapeshifter.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2018
I am a cartoonist and artist from San Francisco nice to meet you , you also enjoy anime ? I like spongebob to lol.
inactive user
Hi :)))
inactive user
Give me all your money

This is an e-robbery. It's like e-mail but I'm robbing you instead.
inactive user
I see that you want to learn Catalan, that's indeed wonderful. My Catalan isn't perfect but am also interested in the language and I speak it a little. Maybe I can be of assistance :)
inactive user
God bless you too and I like your hair too Dulcineaā¤
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