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BeeGee, 28 y.o.
Reading, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2011
I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner! I completely forgot about interpals :/ I've been really busy! High school in France is really hard.. we work all day long (8 am-6pm exept Friday we finish at 3 pm) and we have big test saturday morning), that's really tiring! Can't wait to be in the USA and to really enjoy life :D

(Je suis vraiment désolée de ne pas avoir répondu plus tôt! J'ai complétement oublié ce site. J'étais vraiment occupé!)

To respond to your question, I'm really happy anyway! DisneyLand Paris is Magic! Especially during Christmas holiday! I love it but I also like thrill and there's not a lot of attraction which make me fear (but it's still pleasant ^^)

You're welcome, it's my pleasure :)

There's not a lot of funny French series xD Usa is the best for this! But, you could watch "H" (Yeah it's the name of the serie! xD it means hospital) , "un gars et une fille" and "scène de ménage" There are quite funny! Hope you enjoy! "Un gars et une fille'' is best!

I don't go really often in this website, maybe we should had each other on facebook? Do you have one?

Sorry for not translating my message in French, I just have to go! I'll translate it later if you want! :)

inactive user
I'm glad you agree :) Well I don't think so, we're same ! :D
School begins in September, the 5th to be exact. When about you ?
inactive user
Really ? I'm very glad :) Shopping is cool ! :D Your French is maybe not perfect as my bad english but I can understand you so I think your French is good :D
inactive user
Why not ! :) My hobbies are photography, drawing and Japanese animations. And you ?
inactive user
Oh non pas de problèmes ! You don't have to be sorry :)
inactive user
Oui !

You've made some mistakes:
"Je nai pas aller" is "je n'y vais pas" but is "mais", you've forgotten an "e" in "année" :) and isn't "on" famille but "ma" famille :) (on means "it" or "we" it depends how you use it and ma is my) (and "aller" have to be conjugate like this > "allés")
inactive user
Pas vraiment :/ Je ne pars pas en vacances malheureusement...
Et toi ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2011
oh et c'est "la correction" et au pluriel c'est "les corrections"
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2011
Oh and you can use this website :
It corrects sentences you copy and paste and it explains why it is wrong.

I use the English version when I have doubt about my spelling or grammar. ->
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2011
Hi! Thank you very much! It's because I started reading in English several weeks ago and I don't watch French TV I watch series in English in internet in order to improve my skill! :D

-Salut! Merci beaucoup! C'est parce que J'ai commencé ) lire en anglais il y a plusieurs jours et aussi parce que je ne regarde pas la télévision en français, je regarde des séries en anglais sur internet pour améliorer mes compétences!

Yes, I'm in holidays and I live just near Paris and DisneyLand Paris! :DD

-Oui, je suis en vacance et je vis juste à coté de Paris et Disneyland Paris.

I'd like to correct your french again, you seem to know french but sometimes you mix letters up x)

-J'aimerais te corriger encore une fois, tu as l'air de bien savoir le français mais parfois tu mélanges les lettres.

"Mais votre anglais était parfait" "premièrement"
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